Wednesday 11 June 2014

Inspiring Person : Johan Gregor Mendel

ohann Gregor Mendel was a biologist and ordained priest who conducted experiments in heredity. He used his resources at his monastery to grow thousands of pea plants, keeping detailed records and calculations that debunked the previous theory of “trait blending.” Although people largely didn’t recognize his work during his lifetime, his lengthy research showed that characteristics can be dominant or recessive and are passed on independently. These facts transformed the face of genetics.

Early Life and Education

Mendel was born to Rosine and Anton Mendel on July 22, 1822 in Heinzendorf, Austria, now Hynčice, Czech Republic. At the young age of 11, he and his family moved to Troppau so he could continue his education, and he graduated in 1840. From there, he attended the Philosophical Institute of the University of Olmütz, excelling in math and physics and graduating in 1843.
Following his graduation in Olmütz, he entered the St. Thomas Monastery in Brno, where he had access to a large amount of research materials. Although he was ordained in 1847, due in part to failing health, he temporarily stopped his civil work in the area and went to the University of Vienna. His study there prepared him to go back to the St. Thomas Monastery and take a teaching job at a secondary school. In this setting, he was able to begin the first of his experiments related to genetics.

Amazing Building : The Gherskin

Hello guys! Now, I'll tell you about a building, which i think is pretty cool. Can you guess what? I'll give you some clues.
  1. It is egg-like shaped
  2. It is located in London
  3. It made its appearance at Detective Conan vol.
If your answer is The Gherkin then you are right!
The Gherkin is a skyscraper in London's main financial district, the City of London, completed in December 2003 and opened in April 2004. With 41 floors, the tower is 180 metres (591 ft) tall and stands on a street called St. Mary Axe, on the former site of the Baltic Exchange, which was extensively damaged in 1992 by the explosion of a bomb placed by the Provisional IRA.
After the plans to build the Millennium Tower were dropped, 30 St Mary Axe was designed by Norman Foster and Arup engineers,and was erected by Skanska in 2001–2003.
The building has become an iconic symbol of London and is one of the city's most widely recognised examples of contemporary architecture.

Let's peek the inside of The Gherskin!!

How beautiful!!

The building’s unique form is a response to the constraints of its site. Its shape appears less bulky than a rectangular block, creating public space at street level. It also offers minimal resistance to wind, improving the environment for people on the ground and reducing the load on the building

Friday 28 February 2014

Explanation Text : Moonbow

Rainbow and its beautiful colors may identical with sun refraction which is happened at daytime.But, there is an unique natural phenomenon when the usual rainbow appears at night.

That phenomenon is called "Moonbow". Moonbow (or lunar rainbow or white rainbow) is a rainbow which is formed by sunlight's reflection to the moon and that reflection, is refracted by water droplets. Moonbow can happen in anywhere, as long as the requirements are available.
But, because moonbow is only using the reflection of sunlight, it is looked blur and not as strong as rainbow. Sometime, moonbow only appears as white light around the moon.

Moonbow needs a few requirements, such as the moonlight has to be strong enough. It is happened at nearly eclipse or at eclipse. The moon has to be at 42^ or lower and the sky has to be clear and not cloudy. For your information, if the water droplets are moving toward the moon, it will make the moonbow looked stronger.

Friday 21 February 2014

My Holiday

Last holiday, I went to Malang, East Java. I went there by train and the journey was really tiring because I got the hard sleeper ticket. I was listening to music along the journey. The train left Bandung at approximately 3 p.m and arrived at the next morning which was at 7 a.m. I called my grandfather to pick me up at Malang Kota Baru train station. I had to wait a while for my grandfather’s car. In the middle of waiting, I saw a red car coming. That’s my grandfather’s car! I got in and after saying hello and greeting them, we told each other’s stories along the ride. Not for a long time, I saw the building. Well, my grandfather’s house was pretty big and located in the middle of the city. It was close with Malang Town Square, and University of Barawijaya. It had approximately 12 rooms and half of it was being rent. Some college students were the costumers. At night, the second floor of the house was used to be a cafe. The second floor had a very big balcony so that it was called “Balcony Cafe” but no! Actually its name was Ngopienet Cafe and it was belong to my uncle although the buliding was my grandfather’s. As soon as we arrived at the house, I put my belonging as well as those heavy bags. I was sure I didn’t bring things which were not impotant but it was still pretty heavy. After taking bath, my grandfather told me that he was going to go to my uncle’s house. I was excited and said yes. My uncle had a cute son who was aged 8 months. His name was Keenan. He liked to smile these days, said my aunty, the last time I contacted her. When I arrived at the house, I rushed toward to door and knocking it. When the door opened, I saw my aunty was holding baby Keenan. I was surprised and immidiately kissed Keenan. He was fatter than in the photo, which my uncle had shared via Facebook and LINE. I played with Keenan and a little helped my aunty to look after Keenan. Sadly, we could not stay too long because my grandmother was waiting in the house alone. So, we headed back to my grandfather’s house. At night, my grandfather ask me if I wanted to go to my aunt house which was at Surabaya. I joined and the journey took approximately 2 hours. We were not stay for a long time because we only picked up my cousin. And from that day, when we got back to Malang, I spent my holiday in my grandfather's house. I didn't even remember how boring that situation was and how I survived through that.

School's Sport Week : Dewa Athena

My school have an annual sport event called Dewa Athena. It was started on Saturday, 17th of February. There were many sport fields which was played. There was another event which was held on the same day,too. It was the opening of Belitung Muda Cup. That event was opened with football game between 2015 girls and 2016 girls. The game was very exciting. Girls of 2015 scored 3-0. Congratulations!

Back to Dewa Athena, my class had been scheduled to play tarik tambang and estafet run. Tarik tambang is a game where you need to pull a rope as long as you can until your opponent can’t pull back the rope. Unfortunately, my class was beaten by SPAM (X IPA 5). We was sad but promised that we would win the next game. Next, we had an estafet run battle. We played it smoothly until we won that game. When we were going to shout our class’ motto, the MC shout to us “Hey watch out your friend there!” when we looked at the direction he was pointing, we saw Alif was slumped on the running track. We ran toward him as fast as possible. Actually, before the game was started, he had an injury on his knee, but he forced himself to play. That day, we found out that friendship was really a treasure. We might not win in all sport fields but we would always won in solidarity!