Monday 9 December 2013

My Biography

Hello, my name is Rafika Ayu Nadia, but please call me Fika. I was born in Malang, 24th of January. Yes, I'm Javanese. When I was 1, I moved to Bandung, because my father worked there. I was playing happily with my friends until I saw one of my playmates was going to school. I wanted to go to school! Then, I was registered to a kindergarten when I was only 3 years old. I had to repeat my first year on kindergarten because the headmaster thought I was still too young. I was angry. I decided to go to elementary school. I went to SDN SOKA 34 Bandung. I spent my days playing with my friends. I really miss those days. After 3 years of having fun, I moved to SDN Banjarsari Bandung. I graduated from elementary school and went to 44 Junior High School. On the 4th semester, I moved again. My mom had to finish her magister, so I would live with my grandparents in Malang. I started to study in 1 Junior High School Malang. I planned to go to SMAN 3 Malang but, I remembered about my childhood dreams. One of it was studying at SMAN 3 Bandung and I decided to reach it. Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT helped me. I promise to be a better person here.

A person always born with strength and weakness. My strengths are extrovert (I don't know if extrovert is a power or a weakness), sensitive, and can work under pressure.
My weaknesses are dry humorous, sarcasm, and moody.

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