Monday 14 October 2013

My Friend's Biography

 I want to tell you about my friend. Her name is Sabrina Ayu Fitria or you can call her Fina. Yes, you are right. She’s my little sister but, I think she’s my friend, too. She’s a good listener. She’s growing very fast. Several years ago, when I told her a secret, she would tell my mom too. But these days, she would keep it and even gave me a suggestion. We have a same taste about everything. She likes Taylor Swift and EXO, same as me. She likes chocolate and mushroom soup, same as me. There are also bad moments with her, when we are fighting but, we never hit each others. As time goes by, we are getting back together again. She was born in Malang, 27th of December 2000.  She is now at the first year of junior high school. She wants to be an astronout in the future. She is very active and sometimes acts like a boy. When she was in elementary school, she had ever been fighting with boys. But, whatever had happened, she is my little sister. She knows me better than anyone else. She is my bestfriend. I love her.

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